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    Effects of organic enrichment and nitrate on the survival of heat-stressed and control corals.

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    <p>Survival of <i>Acropora millepora</i> (a, b) and <i>Montipora tuberculosa</i> (c, d) at the end of the recovery period for the treatments of temperature (25°C (a, c) vs. 31°C (b, d), organic enrichment (+OE), and/or nitrate addition (+NO3; +OE +NO3). The horizontal bars indicate mean percent survival for each treatment; circles mark the percent of surviving colonies for each tank (four colonies per species and tank, four tanks per treatment; points are jittered for clarity).</p

    Effects of organic enrichment and nitrate on the fluorescent yields of heat-stressed and control <i>A. millepora</i>.

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    <p>Time series of the fluorescence yields in <i>Acropora millepora.</i> Two treatments (Controls and +OE +NO3) remained at ambient temperature (mean: 25°C) throughout the experimental period (a, b). Tanks in the other treatments were exposed to heat stress (31.2°C) between Days 10 and 33, followed by a recovery period at ambient temperature (c-f). The nutrient treatments applied to these tanks were (c) Controls, (d) +NO3, (e) +OE and (f) +OE +NO3. Points represent means across colonies for each tank; solid lines are estimated temporal trends and dashed lines are 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Effects of organic enrichment and nitrate on the fluorescent yields of heat-stressed and control <i>M. tuberculosa</i>.

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    <p>Time series of the fluorescence yields in <i>Montipora tuberculosa.</i> For details see the legend for <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0054399#pone-0054399-g002" target="_blank">Fig. 2</a>. In this species, heat stress (31.2°C) was applied between Days 10 and 59.</p

    Mean fluorescence yields in <i>Montipora tuberculosa</i> at the beginning of the experiment (Day 3), at the end of the heat stress (Day 59), and after recovery (Day 90<i>;</i>Fig. 3).

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    <p>Values are mean yields and SE across four tanks (four colonies per tank) for each of the four heat stressed treatments (31°C). The last three rows show the differences in mean fluorescence yields between days, with significant differences (>2 SE) marked in bold.</p

    Relationship between nutrient availability and thermal tolerance in corals.

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    <p>The conceptual diagram illustrates the commonly non-linear and divergent relationships between thermal tolerance of heat-stressed coral species and the trophic status of their environment and/or food provision in experiments. See text for definitions and explanations.</p

    Effects of temperature and organic enrichment on skeletal growth in <i>A. millepora</i> and <i>M. tuberculosa</i>.

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    <p>Change in weight (g) of surviving colonies over 67 days for (a) <i>Acropora millepora</i> and (b) <i>Montipora tuberculosa</i>. Fitted grey lines show the relationship between initial weight and weight gain. In <i>A. millepora,</i> weight gains were 45% reduced in colonies exposed to 31.2°C (crosses) than those exposed to 25°C (circles), and not related to initial weight. In <i>M. tuberculosa,</i> weight gains were 24% reduced in colonies exposed to +OE (crosses) than those not exposed to OE (circles), and declined with initial size for small colony fragments. The other factors under consideration did not significantly affect weight gains in the two species.</p